Balancing Scooter Electric

Removable battery pack 24v 2.6ah To fit Revvi 12 electric balance bikes

Removable battery pack 24v 2.6ah To fit Revvi 12 electric balance bikes

Removable battery pack 24v 2.6ah To fit Revvi 12 electric balance bikes    Removable battery pack 24v 2.6ah To fit Revvi 12 electric balance bikes

This is to fit our removable battery balance bikes. This size is fitted to our 12 model.

It can be changed in around 20seconds. Charging port built into the battery.

This size battery will fit and work in 12", 16" and 16 Plus balance bikes. As standard we fit the following battery to each model. 12 - 24V 2.6ah. 16 - 24V 5.2ah.

16 PLus - 24V 5.2ah. If you fit this size battery to your 16 bike it will work, but will run for half the amount of time as a 5.2ah battery!

It can not be fitted to bikes with the built in battery!

Removable battery pack 24v 2.6ah To fit Revvi 12 electric balance bikes    Removable battery pack 24v 2.6ah To fit Revvi 12 electric balance bikes